Complete your health risk assessment (HRA) on the Change4Life® health portal between now and December 31, and you’ll automatically be entered into a draw to win one of eight $200 gift-card prize packs. Plus, you’ll earn points to bid on gift cards in the reward store – giving you even more chances to win.
Want a chance to win a $200 gift card prize pack? It’s simple!
You can access Change4Life through GSC everywhere (within the “GSC Offerings” menu above the dashboard on the desktop, and under “More” and then “GSC Offerings” on the mobile app). Once there, click on the “The HRA Challenge” box to get started.

Haven’t visited Change4Life before? Not to worry!
Take just a few minutes to create your account and complete your HRA to start earning points right away – 500 points for answering the questions in the HRA which gives you your overall health score. Complete the HRA every six months, and you’ll earn 500 points each time. Get healthy, get rewarded, with Change4Life.
More about Change4Life…
The Change4Life wellness portal, available at no cost through your health benefit program with Green Shield Canada (GSC), helps support your healthy life choices by providing you with personalized tips, easy-to-use online tools, and important information – all at your fingertips.
You’ll get insight into your current health, learn how you can successfully improve it using a “small steps” approach, and use Change4Life tools and information to make it easier to manage existing medical conditions. There’s so much you can do in the portal, and we know plan members love using it. Check out this plan member testimonial!
“I am always excited when it is time for me to complete the Health Risk Assessment (HRA).
I closely monitor my past report cards looking at the scores and trying to work on the areas that need improvement in order to increase my scores every time! I set goals for myself, step by step and take actions to fulfill my objectives. I have made a lot of accomplishments throughout the last few years! This assessment has changed my life! Thank you Change4Life!”