Drug Benefits
Acute vs. maintenance medications

Acute care drugs are used to treat one-time or short-term conditions. Maintenance medications are used to treat chronic or long-term conditions.

Speak to your pharmacist or physician about the quantity of drugs you’ve been prescribed. He or she can recommend a larger supply of any drugs that fall into the maintenance drug category (after the initial days supply is satisfied).

Getting a larger supply of maintenance drugs can reduce your dispensing fees and save you extra visits to the pharmacy.


Drugs used to fight infections caused by bacteria, and that aren’t effective in working against viruses.

Bacteria may change over time and become resistant. Taking antibiotics unnecessarily, too often, or not finishing your prescribed dosage can lead to more resistant bacteria. Always complete your full prescription and do not save part of it to use another time. Follow the prescribed instructions; if they aren’t clear or you’re unsure, ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain. Never use antibiotics that were prescribed for someone else.

Brand vs. generic drugs

Generic drugs contain the same active medicinal ingredients (the stuff that actually makes you better) as the corresponding brand name, and are therefore considered therapeutic equivalents.

However, substances combining the active ingredients may be different.

In Canada, generic drugs are strictly regulated and must meet certain clinical standards to be substituted by the pharmacist.

For the most part, generic products cost less and can reduce the costs of your health plan. Ask your health care professional to prescribe the generic drug whenever possible.


You pay a portion of the cost of your prescriptions by paying either the same amount each time (e.g. $5) or a percentage of the total cost (e.g. 20%). If you’re paying a percentage, then you’re encouraged to shop around for the best available dispensing fees and ingredient costs.


Some plans require that you pay a fixed amount each year before your coverage starts (e.g. first $100 of prescription costs).

Dispensing (or professional) fee cap

Some drug plans cap (or limit) the amount you’ll be reimbursed for any dispensing fees. In that case, a fixed amount is paid toward the professional dispensing fee charged on every prescription. As the plan member, you would be required to pay any difference between the capped fee and the dispensing fee.

Drug cost

The total cost of a drug to you or your drug plan is made up of a number of components:

  • Pharmacy dispensing fee (see above)
  • Ingredient/manufacturer cost – the sale price charged by the manufacturer for the drug
  • Wholesale mark-up – the amount added on to the manufacturer’s sale price by the wholesaler
  • Pharmacy mark-up – the amount added on to the manufacturer and/or wholesaler price by the pharmacy

Drug pricing varies by pharmacy, region and province. It can also sometimes vary depending on whether you pay the pharmacy out of your own pocket, or use your GSC ID card to only pay the portion not covered by your benefit plan. It’s okay to shop around for the best pricing.

Drug identification number (DIN)

A DIN is assigned to a drug product by Health Canada before it reaches the market. The eight-digit number tells you the product has been approved for use and can legally be manufactured and sold in Canada.

Drug utilization review (DUR)

A DUR occurs when you fill a prescription at the pharmacy (as long as you have a pay-direct drug plan). It’s a real-time system review of the current prescription and your historical claims profile, done while you are waiting for your prescription to be filled. Within five seconds, and before the drug is dispensed, we can notify the pharmacy of any drug-to-drug interactions, pharmacy hopping, double doctoring, duplicate therapies or duplicate ingredients, or prescriptions being filled too soon or too late. If a potential health hazard is identified, we’ll send a warning to the pharmacist, who will in turn evaluate the response. He/she may contact your physician or provide advice. A DUR ensures drug therapy compliance, as it helps to ensure medication is taken as prescribed. It improves health awareness by promoting consumer education, increases your health safety and may reduce the overall cost of benefits.


A list of drugs covered as benefits through your provincial health plan, your group plan or your individual plan. Each drug plan determines its own list of covered drugs.

Initial days supply

When a new prescription is dispensed in a smaller amount to start (e.g. 30 days). This helps prevent wastage of costly medications in the event that you suffer from drug intolerance or want to change your prescription before you’ve finished taking all the pills originally prescribed.

Natural health product (NHP)

Often called “complementary” or “alternative” medicines, NHPs are substances used to restore or maintain good health. Natural substances include: vitamins and minerals, herbal remedies, homeopathic medicines, traditional medicines, probiotics, and other products like amino acids and essential fatty acids. Some natural health products were once identified by Health Canada with DINs, but have since been reclassified as NHPs. Because they no longer have a DIN, they are not eligible for coverage on GSC drug plans unless stated otherwise in your benefit booklet.

Prescribing authority

A drug prescriber must be a physician or other licensed health care practitioner with the authority to prescribe within the scope of their practice in their province.

Prescription drugs

These are drugs that have a drug identification number (DIN), and by law, require a prescription for sale and are provided to the public by a pharmacist after the diagnosis and professional intervention of a health care practitioner. Examples: Penicillin, Imitrex, Ventolin, and Tylenol #3.

Prior approval/special authorization

Some drug plans only cover certain medications for specific medical conditions. In these cases, prior approval is required. Your doctor may need to fill out a special authorization form for these types of medications before your plan will pay for the drug.

Professional fee

A professional (or dispensing) fee is the amount a pharmacy charges for providing professional services such as patient counseling, monitoring drug therapy, providing drug information to physicians and dispensing drug products. It also covers stocking of medication and maintaining patient medication records. Dispensing fees can differ from pharmacy to pharmacy, making a big difference in the total cost of the prescription. If you are not happy with the dispensing fee that your pharmacy charges, it’s okay to shop around to find a better price. (In Ontario, pharmacies are required to post their average dispensing fee so it’s visible to all customers.)

Provincial coordination

In Canada, health care is a provincial/territorial responsibility meaning each province/territory has its own set of plans and programs. Additional specialty programs may also be available within each province/territory.

Traditional drugs vs. biologics

One of the key differences between traditional medications and biologics is in how each is manufactured. Traditional drugs are chemically synthesized in a process fairly easily replicated—think of these as recipe-based products. Biologics are derived from living cells, tissue or micro-organisms using much more complex, highly controlled manufacturing processes that are unique to each drug. They are more expensive to research, manufacture, store and deliver than pharmaceuticals—and, as a result, can cost much more. According to GSC’s administrative guidelines (these are the rules that guide how we pay claims), all plans default to covering the most therapeutically and cost-effective drug within a class first, allowing you to move on to other drug in the class only when you experience an undesired response to the first drug.

“Comprehensive Basic” Dental Terms
Bruxism appliance

An appliance that helps prevent involuntary gnashing, grinding or clenching of the teeth.

Comprehensive oral surgery

May include surgical exposure movement, remodeling and re-contouring, surgical excision (removal), surgical incision, treatment of fractures and some maxillofacial (jaws and face) deformities such as cysts and tumours.

Periodontal treatment

Removal of calcium deposits (plaque, tartar, calculus, and stone) from around the tooth above and below the gum.

Root canal therapy

Also known as endodontic or having the nerve removed. It’s the removal of infected pulp (abscess/pus) from within the crown and root mechanically, with files and reamers (cutting tools). After mechanical and medicinal cleaning, the root canal is filled and sealed.

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) appliances

A splint to correctly balance the position of the lower jaw to the skull. This is used to treat TMJ syndrome – acute muscle spasms believed to be caused by biting imbalance that can be induced by psychological stress. Principle symptoms are pain in the ear region, limitation of chewing and moving the jaw, and clicking, cracking, ringing, or buzzing sounds in the joint.

Major Dental Services Terms

A custom device anchored to neighboring teeth that replaces one or more missing teeth. When a lost tooth is replaced with a bridge, the teeth on either side of the missing one must be prepared as crowns to serve as supports to hold the prosthetic (replacement) teeth in place. This procedure is necessary when a permanent tooth is lost; whether as a result of decay, gum disease, injury or accident, which can cause many serious problems for your neighboring teeth (they may begin to shift).


A tooth-like covering placed over a carefully prepared existing tooth. It is sometimes called a “cap” and is used to strengthen, restore or improve the appearance of your natural tooth. A crown is placed on an individual tooth much like a thimble over your finger. One of the most common functions is to support the tooth when there is no longer sufficient tooth structure left to place a filling. Crowns may also be used to protect the structure of a tooth that’s fractured or broken.


A dental implant is a titanium cylinder that the dentist surgically places into the bone where a tooth is missing to become the foundation for a replacement tooth. The dentist either screws the replacement tooth into the implant and cements crowns or bridges into the implant, or uses special attachments on the implant to attach a removable denture.

Standard dentures

Made for people who are already missing all their teeth, as opposed to an immediate denture (which is made before the teeth are extracted) or over denture (where the root canal-treated remnants of teeth or implants remain under the denture to aid in stability).

Orthodontic (Braces) Terms
Clear braces

A cosmetic substitute to the conventional metal braces. Clear brackets, made of ceramic or plastic, blend in more with the tooth’s natural colour.

Gold-plated braces

These braces are gold-coated stainless steel, often recommended for patients who are allergic to nickel or prefer the look of gold over traditional silver-coloured metal.

Progressive braces

Clear removable aligners used to gradually shift teeth to the desired positions. Typically, progressive braces aren’t used in complex orthodontic cases.


The most conventional form of braces that are typically made of stainless steel, sometimes in combination with nickel titanium.

Other Dental Stuff
Alternate benefit clause

A policy applied to all coverage that includes crown and/or bridge treatment, to determine the amount payable. The attending dentist and patient choose the course of treatment, but payment for the procedure may be based on the "limited treatment" principle. Basically, if two procedures treat the same condition, payment may be limited to the most cost-effective treatment. The Alternate Benefit Clause is simply a financial limitation and not intended to dissuade from the treatment recommended or performed by a dentist. In the application of this, both courses of treatment must be an eligible benefit.

Multiple services factor

When multiple fillings or periodontal (gum) services are done at one appointment, there may be a reduction in time spent by the dentist and therefore the benefit should be passed along to the patient in the form of reduced fees. It applies only when six or more restorations (fillings) are done in the same appointment. And if the dentist has not reduced the fee for these multiple services, we will reimburse the first restoration as submitted, according to the dental plan, and then reduce the remaining restorations by 20%.

Extended Health Benefits
Accidental dental

Reimbursement for the services of a licensed dental practitioner for dental care when required by a direct blow to the mouth and not by an object consciously or unconsciously placed in the mouth. The accident must occur while the coverage is in force. You must notify GSC immediately following the accident and the treatment must commence within the timeframe indicated in your benefit booklet.

Audio (hearing aid)

A hearing aid is a small electronic device that can be worn in or behind the ear. It consists of three basic parts: a microphone, amplifier and speaker. A hearing aid may be required if an audio specialist has determined that you have a loss of hearing acuity. To determine specific benefit coverage based on your individual plan design, contact our customer service center.

Custom Shoes

Custom shoes are prescribed when your needs cannot be accommodated by regular (or modified) orthopedic footwear due to the severity of your foot condition. This includes structural deformities from congenital systemic disease, arthritic disease, traumatic foot injury, asymmetry or aging, or postsurgical amputations.

The construction of custom shoes requires a high degree of specialized expertise from the provider. You must go to an authorized provider who will assess your condition, create a cast of your feet, and have the custom footwear manufactured from scratch using raw materials.

Emergency transportation

A professional land or air ambulance to the nearest hospital equipped to provide the required treatment, when medically required as a result of an injury, illness or acute physical disability.

Home care service

A home care benefit provides coverage for the services of a Registered Nurse, or a Registered Practical Nurse on some plans, in the home. These services are only a benefit when medically necessary and only when the services required cannot be performed by someone with lesser qualifications. Various plans may have the added benefit of a Personal Support Worker. Pre-approval with GSC is required for this benefit.

Hospital accommodations
  • Private –A private room with one bed in a public general hospital.
  • Semi-Private –A room with no more than two beds, sharing one bathroom.
  • Ward –A room with three or more beds in a public general hospital.

On discharge, remember to ask to see a copy of the accommodation charges to verify that they are charging you for exactly what you received. Your hospital may send a claim directly to GSC as semi-private, without verifying the room type you actually received. If your doctor requests a private or semi-private room (preferred accommodation) for you for medical reasons, neither you nor GSC should be billed for these room charges. Your Provincial Health Insurance Plan will cover this benefit. GSC will only pay for preferred accommodation (a private or semi-private room) upon patient choice and provided the patient has signed a request for such accommodation. You should also not be charged for ward accommodations (three or more beds in a room), ICU (Intensive Care Unit) beds, CCU (Critical Care Unit) beds, or outpatient beds for day surgery. When a mother and her newborn occupy the same room, only one claim should be billed.

Medical items

Medical items that are medically necessary to assist with mobility, or to help correct a medical condition may be eligible through a benefit plan. Items that are not primarily medical in nature or for comfort and convenience are not eligible. A physician’s authorization may be required for various medical items, and specific medical items may require pre-approval. GSC does not reimburse claims for used medical equipment.

Orthopedic shoes

Orthopedic footwear accommodates, controls or supports the therapeutic needs of a foot deformity or abnormality in the leg, knee, or ankle, and must be manufactured by recognized and reputable orthopedic footwear manufacturers. The footwear may be modified or adjusted to fit your feet.

Orthopedic footwear may be prescribed for bone deformities, neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis, and foot complications caused by diabetes. If you are prescribed orthopedic footwear, you must go to an authorized provider trained to assess, design, modify, and fit orthopedic footwear.

Orthotics (custom)

A custom orthotic is a removable foot-care device worn inside a shoe and made from a three-dimensional cast impression of your foot. It must be constructed from raw materials based on your individual specifications. Orthotics are intended to support, align, prevent and/or accommodate foot abnormalities and improve how the foot functions.

Orthotics are prescribed to treat diagnosed medical conditions such as structural weaknesses or deformities, traumatic injuries, overuse syndromes, and complications from diseases such as diabetes.

If you are prescribed custom orthotics, you must buy them from an authorized provider trained to assess, design, manufacture, and fit orthotics.

Paramedical practitioner service

The following is a list of some of the more common paramedical practitioners (health care professionals) and their related health professional services. A physician’s authorization may be required on the initial claim. GSC requires that a paramedical practitioner be licensed in the province in which they are practicing.

  • Acupuncturist –A natural form of Chinese medicine which involves inserting needles into a patient’s skin at specific areas of the body, to concentrate on the points in need of healing. Acupuncture is used to improve a patient’s mood or energy levels, relieve pain, and restore function of the affected areas.
  • Chiropodist – Chiropodists assess and treat disorders of the foot including deformities, skin lesions, corns, calluses and warts, and nail conditions.
  • Chiropractor –Medical professionals trained to diagnose and treat conditions related to the spine and other body joints, by manipulating and correcting the alignment of the spinal column. They primarily treat disorders related to the back, neck and head pain. Chiropractors also counsel patients on corrective exercises and nutrition.
  • Dietitian –Certified health professionals who can provide advice on nutrition, food, and healthy eating choices. The term nutritionist is not interchangeable with dietitian – although all dietitians are nutritionists, not all nutritionists are certified dietitians.
  • Massage Therapist – A massage therapist manipulates the soft tissues of the body in an effort to relieve muscle tension and discomfort. Registered massage therapists (RMT) use their in-depth knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathology to adjust the soft tissue to break the pain cycle and bring about results. Massage therapy can help give patients relief from muscle spasms, tension in the neck and back, tired hands and feet, headaches, sports injuries, etc.
  • Naturopath – Naturopathic medicine combines modern scientific health knowledge with traditional and natural remedies. The naturopathic philosophy is to treat the underlying cause of a disease. Symptoms are viewed as warning signals of malfunctions within the body and poor lifestyle habits. Many people visit a naturopath on a regular basis to find out how to maintain good health. Naturopaths help manage patient concerns on a variety of health issues, from allergies and digestive problems to depression and more serious illnesses. Supplements and remedies are not eligible benefits under any GSC plan.
  • Osteopath –Treats diseases by manipulation of the bones. Osteopathy is based on the theory that the body will produce the remedies necessary to protect itself as long as the bones are aligned properly and do not press on the nerves. Osteopaths treat patients using a combination of gentle stretching, massage, and mobilizing joints to ease symptoms. Commonly, patients visit an osteopath to seek relief from back pain, stiff joints, headaches, arthritis, fatigue, or digestive issues.
  • Physiotherapist – Physiotherapists use a combination of comprehensive knowledge of how the body works and practical clinical skills to diagnose and treat injuries and illness. They work towards maximizing patient strength, mobility and well-being. A physiotherapist prescribes customized exercises and educates patients on essential steps to recovery.
  • Podiatrist –A specialized medical field that centres around the study and care of the foot and ankle. A podiatrist focuses on preventing, diagnosing, and treating conditions of this area by medical, surgical, and other means.
  • Psychologist – Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions. Psychologists provide counseling and psychotherapy for patients seeking treatment for life adjustment problems, behavioural issues, emotional disorders, or mental illness. They provide treatment for individuals of all ages as well as for families or groups.
  • Speech Therapist – Speech therapists work to prevent, identify, and treat communication and swallowing disorders as well as counsel patients and their families on their conditions. Speech therapists assess each patient’s individual needs and implement custom speech and language programs in an effort to help develop effective communication.
Reasonable (usual) and customary

This is the “reasonable” reimbursement amount determined by GSC for a medical item or service. GSC establishes reasonable and customary pricing for all covered health services and major medical equipment. We determine our reasonable and customary pricing based on reviewing rendered amounts, manufacturers’ pricing and provincial and association pricing. In all cases, we reimburse the lesser of either the submitted or the allowed unit cost per device or service, as determined by our reasonable and customary pricing policy (which is reviewed on an annual basis).


Here are some services and products you might come across if you have vision benefits:

  • Prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses
  • Replacement parts to prescription eye glasses
  • Medically necessary contact lenses when the visual acuity cannot be corrected to at least 20/40 in the better eye with conventional eyeglasses
  • Plano (non-prescription) sunglasses prescribed by a medical practitioner for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases or conditions

Some plans also allow reimbursement toward laser eye surgery in lieu of vision benefits (at the same benefit level). Laser vision correction is used to correct common vision problems, such as myopia (near sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness) and astigmatism (distorted vision when looking at objects in the distance).

Health Care Spending Account (HCSA)
What is a health spending account (HCSA)?

Your HCSA is a spending account funded by your employer that you can use to pay for health and dental expenses that are not covered by your group benefit plan or your provincial health plan

How to use your health care spending account

Based on your group plan design, your employer deposits a set amount into your HCSA—then you use the funds for whatever eligible expenses are important to you. It’s all about individual choice— so you can enjoy all the flexibility and convenience your HCSA has to offer.

Eligible HCSA expenses include all expenses that qualify for medical expense tax credits under the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) Income Tax Guidelines, such as:

  • Payments to medical practitioners, hospitals, orthodontics, etc.
  • Artificial limbs, aids and other medical equipment
  • Eyeglasses and contact lenses
  • Rehabilitative therapy
  • Dentures
Here’s how to submit an HCSA Claim...

HCSA claims can be submitted online directly to GSC via Plan Member Online Services. It’s quick and easy. Or, if you really want to, you can submit your claim by mail. Just follow these steps:

Call our Customer Service Centre at 1.888.711.1119 to receive a claim form. If you would like a pre-filled personalized form, register for Plan Member Online Services.

  • Complete the form and sign in the appropriate spot. Remember to include your GSC ID number (found on your GSC ID card). If the claim is for a dependent, include the dependent’s number (also on your ID card).
  • Check that you have also included original receipts and remember to take a photocopy for your records.
  • Double-check that you have provided your full mailing address and send the form to the GSC address on the form within twelve months from the date you received the service.

For a list of eligible expenses, check out the Support Centre. You may also wish to refer to the CRA website for list of medical expense tax credits as a guideline for eligible expenses under your HCSA.

Personal Spending Account (PSA)
What is a personal spending account (PSA)?

A spending account funded by your employer that you can use to pay for a range of items not covered by your group benefit plan or provincial health plan.

Travel Benefits
Worry-free travel

Your GSC travel benefits are provided by our partner, CanAssistance. Through CanAssistance, you can take advantage of a vast network of medical providers, resources and contacts, all offering quality service, when you travel outside your home province.

If you have travel benefits as part of your overall benefit package, it’s important to know what information you need in the event you need to make an emergency health claim when traveling out of province or country.

Some other important information you should know:

  • Review your benefit plan booklet so you are aware of what’s covered under your travel benefits plan.
  • Contact GSC Travel Assistance by phone, within 48 hours of commencement of treatment.
  • You will be asked to provide your GSC ID Number, which is located on the front of your GSC ID card.

Click here for a look at some FAQs related to travel coverage.

Coverage and care

Combining over 65 years of health and dental insurance expertise with innovative mental health, pharmacy, and medical services, GreenShield supports all aspects of your health.

Une femme qui consulte les options d'assurance de GreenShield sur sa tablette, assise sur son canapé.


Whether you’re looking for comprehensive health and dental plans for individuals or employees, GreenShield Insurance offers easy-to-navigate, flexible coverage.

A man contemplating with his hand over his mouth


Offering our clients integrated total health benefits management solutions tailored to companies of all sizes. GreenShield Administration unlocks Better Health for All.

A pharmacist in a lab coat with a clipboard looking at a box of medication


You deserve a healthcare team that is available whenever you need them. Our mental health, pharmacy, and medical care providers are integrated with our benefits coverage for seamless care.

Contact us

Contact us directly for more information about our products and services using the following methods.

Our Customer Service Centre is available Mon to Fri 8:30 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. ET.

Support Request

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Customer Support: 1-888-525-7587